28-5-Leadership-power Organization™-Learning Program(English 5 days)

5-Leadership-power Organization Theory 
                            Set the Culmination of Leadership Experts 

Modern society makes fast progress and can be described as a rapid pace. Things we considered to be impossible before are now in front of us. Therefore, concept, knowledge and skill should not be blindly rigid in our mind but they must be constantly improved by learning and creating the most appropriate knowledge and skills. If we want to succeed, the rate of self-progress should be faster than the rate of the society’s progress. If not, we may stay at the same place and we will not catch up with the pace of society’s evolution.

Deming:「No theory, no learning.」

5-Leadership-power Organization Theory 
                            Set the Culmination of Leadership Experts 

Modern society makes fast progress and can be described as a rapid pace. Things we considered to be impossible before are now in front of us. Therefore, concept, knowledge and skill should not be blindly rigid in our mind but they must be constantly improved by learning and creating the most appropriate knowledge and skills. If we want to succeed, the rate of self-progress should be faster than the rate of the society’s progress. If not, we may stay at the same place and we will not catch up with the pace of society’s evolution. Eventually we will drown in the torrent of society’s progress and disappear without a trace.
Peter Senge made the five disciplines in which “The Fifth Disciplines” referred to a learning organization being very popular. He induced the mainstream concept of system dynamics. The organization has a shared vision, team learning, mental model improvement, the pursuit of self-improvement and systemic thinking so we can lead our organizational power and lead to a good organization that can learn and grow.

Learning organization was popular for a while but Noel M. Tichy eventually proposed the “Coaching organization” because he saw the organization’s two powers. He thinks we cannot rely on the only one power-learning ability. The hidden coaching power appears as equally important as learning ability and they are kept in dependent phases with each other. Anyone who wants to become a good leader would have to be a world-class instructor. “Future Shock” of the international trend scholar, Alvin Toffler, also referred to “the wisdom of one person will be over the wisdom of the team’s”. This tells us one thing: to choose the one who has great wisdom as a leader is important. He must pass the great wisdom to team members and coach them well. With coaching, you can make learning strong and with learning you will allow more effective coaching power.In a coaching organization, we can ensure organizational learning. The coaching and learning dual leadership engine would give us a fresh, new and suddenly awake feeling. The learning organization is already a great organization but we never thought the coaching organization could be even better. In the organization, it is not enough to only to see the learning organizational power. Everybody is learning but nobody is teaching so the “Learning” will be flawed. If we can teach and learn at the same time and make a learning organization transform into a coaching organization that would be perfect. Although Noel M. Tichy called it “Coaching organization”, he actually mentioned coaching and learning as two-power engine of our organization. To be continued –


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